New Year Eve and i am home alone,doing nothing but blogging and blasting my playlists.Elder sis is out with JC frens for some countdown event and dinner.And my Second sis is even bagus.She is hosting some chalet,but she din invite US!I'm so sad,at least i guess i will be better there having some real fun.
Hmmm.Anyway,went town today again.With mum and elder sis again.Mum went Braun Buffel to get some gifts for her friend and we were like helping her pick the suitable ones.Well,while me and sis was walking to some places,we met Steven Lim (SL) and there's a very interesting conversation between us.It goes like this:
SL:Hi Ladies,i am..very famous in Singapore for doing some eyebrow thing.Where is this? Orchard Road?Wu Jie Lu,you know what it means?
US: *Looks super puzzled
SL:You two are not locals rite?
US:Continue looking at him
SL:You two are from overseas rite?Not Singaporean isn't it?
US:Still looking at him
SL:Hello Miss,do you understand me?
US:Ran away
Well,basically he was like talking to 2 bricks.We were just stunned and could not reply,when we realised what was happening,we just ran off like some idiots.But as we were walking,we decided that we should have asked him where does he think we're from.And we are a little eager to know where do we look like we're from.
Honestly,do we look so un-Singaporean?Some has said that me and my sister look like Japanese (because of the eyes),Korean (eyes too),Taiwanese (chinese accent).
Friends and sisters out there,hope you are having fun with the New Year celebration.Enjoy my share of fun for me too!Do take care too.
Hmmm.2006 has been a great year for me and throughout the ups and downs in the year,i have learnt a lot and i guess i have matured a little.Last year,at this time,i was worried about going into a JC and getting into the life.I was practically afraid of everything,even the friends i will meet and how i am going to survive each school day.
Well,such worries were found to be unduly on the first few days of school,during orientation,i met alot of friends.Those images of me seeing my cousin in my class,seeing some real jokers here and there really bring back a lot of wonderful memories.They were there to help me feel that life in school can be real good,because they were a group of fun people.
I was scared when i got posted to P03,cos everything will be new there.But i'm glad i got to meet all those fantastic people there,esp Bra and Ben.They really bring a lot of memories,esp during Chinese lessons whereby we'll just blabber away.There are a lot of moments with p03 which are so unforgettable.Including the CVD day,the times when we play around with Mr Sami and confuse him.But what is most indelible is that we would always run for lessons to avoid sitting with HER.Argh,those times when we were just having fun,trying to make the best out of the PAE life.After all,the 3 months in JC passed real fast with you great group of friends.I stayed in YJ,because many of you agreed to.
Getting to know 103 in March.I agree that i was rather afraid to mingle with others,so i kept a distance and stayed in my comfortable group of friends from P03.But as a class,we got more bonded through the CTG Bonding session and also all those groupwork during lessons time.Well,knowing 103 is one of the best things in my life.The class is filled with one big group of real jokers;Ben,Marcus and Kelun.They never fail to cheer up my days in class and everyday with them around will never be a boring day.Throughout the year,we made fun of teachers,we drag our foot to lessons,we rush to canteen to chop places,we attended research@canteen,and almost everything.These are wonderful moments we shared and may we as 203 create even more unforgettable memories together.Thank you all,and i sure miss those good old times!
Well,above are some long and dour dedications to group of people,now i really want to express gratitude to some individuals.
Benjamin and Weijie: You 2 have really taught me alot throughout our PW sessions,though we sometimes like to bicker too much,but we always have fun during each meeting.I still remember the many 7 hours we spent at Starbucks trying to complete WR.
Benjamin has a great role,whenever we are troubled,you would just blabber something and that something is really SOMETHING that helped in our project.Thank you.
Weijie likes to speak a lot and expresses your ideas,though we always quarrel over the project,but i guess that's the part and parcel of our life.With PW over,we will have no more quarrels.Haha.
Evan:Sister,you have been there for me throughout the year.Be it the troubled times in PW or during school times,you have been there.I have to admit it's PW that brought us together and we have really build up some real friendship and sisterhood through there.I enjoy all those train rides home together and all the whining we do on the train.China has really hold great memories for us and we learnt to take care of one another through there.Thank you so much and love you lots.
Addy:Thanks SUCKER for always entertaining me during Chinese lessons.Without you,Chinese classes would not be so fun.I will always remember the times when we 4 sit together at the back and always miss out what teacher says.
Hang Wei:It's been a great 1 year knowing you.Though you are always so mean towards me,but i shall forgive you.Haha.Really a BIG THANK YOU for entertaining me during Chinese classes,during the China trip and every other time.You have always been sacarstic to me during Chinese lessons and i will always remember the times when you and Ben try to dodge me when it's time to pay class fund.I am also grateful to you for pulling me away from all those traffics in Singapore.Thank you for helping me each and everytime when i needed help.
Nub Head:Though it's only a month plus since i know you and really talk to you.But it's no lie that this 1 month has been great and enjoyable.Thank you for helping me mark an end to 2006 with all those happy moments.I will always remember the things you have done to help me be it in China or Singapore.You have pulled me away from all those cars in China and in Singapore,thank you.I will also remember how you helped me down from that 360 ride and also how you sacrificed your sleeping time and arms.Thank you.
MEINUs:It's tougher to meet you people.And i admit we are a little distant now.But we still treasure each and every moment we have together and i am sure if we try harder,we will be as close as we used to be.It's now 4 years and i am counting,i wish to see another zero behind the current figure.Haha.That's how long i noe our friendship will at least stand.
Thank you everyone for giving me a wonderful and fulfilling 2006.I love you people.
Mum bought me a pair of Converse shoes and also a Crumpler bag.Gosh,she's suddenly so nice to me.One is Christmas present,and the other i guess is my birthday present?Haha.Well,i love the Converse shoes so much,it's a DOUBLE TONGUE!The Crumpler bag is nice with the orange and brown combination.Thank you so much.
Sis and i bought a strippy shirt.A black-white strip shirt.We're sharing it,and i only need to pay like less than half the price.Thank you too.
We had dinner at Aji-Tei.The food is rather okay.I had some Japanese curry rice,but wasn't that hungry so din finish everything.
Hmmm.Here are some pictures taken over the past few days which i have yet to update.
Gifts from COSB:
Candle of Blessing
Finger puppet
Christmas Celebration with GANG:
Photo frame and card from beloved sister,EVAN
Yummy Chocolate from NUB HEAD
Mango exotic from Bulb
From the 3 dearest.
Resolution Number 1: Be Ms Nice
Resolution Number 2: No more sacarsm (I'm sorry if i'm sacarstic to you for the past year)
Resolution Number 3: Be easy-going
Resolution Number 4: Go on a holiday in Taiwan
Resolution Number 5: Save more money
Resolution Number 6: Shower more love on people around me
Resolution Number 7: Be more understanding and tolerant
Resolution Number 8: Treasure the people around me
Resolution Number 9: Go visit Grandma more often
Resolution Number 10: DO my work conscientiously
Resolution Number 11: More actions,less talk.
Resolution Number 12: Be more contented with the present
Resolution Number 13: To fulfil resolutions 1-12
Guess these resolutions are enough to kill me,but guess there will be more coming in over the next few days,till then i shall keep my resolutions as these.
Well,i found some resolutions for my friends too.Haha.
Bulb: Learn of newer ways to disturb people.
NUB HEAD: Learn to praise me.
Addy: Do more DUMB things.
Argh,hoping that the year ahead is fun-filled and pleasant.
Erm,actually today is a boring day at home lah.Just that my cousins managed to come to my house and pissed me off by disturbing me.Well,messed up my house and my room.Left with a load of rubbish work for me and my mum to do.Seriously,they can be fun and loving at times,but sometimes they just like to disturb me with stuffs.Esp the sister that likes to cry which makes things worst.We have to like be more tolerant to her and try to be more nice with her,cos my mum's afraid she will cry.But i always tell my mum,so what if she will cry,i can cry too.My mum will always be so speechless,and i will just go ahead and scold my cousin if she's wrong.
Okay,sounded a little mean,but i cannot be too nice to her.Otherwise,i'll regret in future if she starts taking things for granted,like my kindness.
Tomorrow is a great day to look forward to.Going shopping with Mum and sister to get my new shoes (MY CHRISTMAS present from MUM).Guess i'll be getting a Converse one,cos Nike doesn't have any nice Dunks in this season.All so boyish.
Well,i should starting setting my New Year resolutions and one of them is to be kinder and love others more.Cos like what i mentioned:Love is what keeps the world revolving.
I'm starting to tone down now,cos school is starting real soon and i should adapt myself back to those moments when i need do serious mugging.Argh.I hate those SCHOOL life,but what i love about it is getting to meet my frens and all those happy moments with the class.
Heard this very meaningful phrase from a TV show.This guy said:Love is what keeps the world revolving.And true enough,love is what keeps people living and what spurs people on in life.
Been hearing these songs from Westlife-The Love Album.The songs are truly superb and they are really suitable for you to indulge yourself in especially in this season of warmth and love.
Westlife is really good with all those nice pops,be it the very classical one or the recent ones.They really stay in your mind and i really love their songs.
Counting down to a brand new year and a brand new start.
We went to watch Night at the Museum.The movie tickets were selling like hotcakes.Let me tell you,the movie is simply hilarious and very nice.I laughed like from the start to the end and NUB HEAD was like laughing so loudly.I was kept awake throughout by NUB HEAD and thank you so much for the YUMMY Timeouts.
After that very entertaining show we went to dine at Pepper Lunch.Yummy Salmon Pepper Rice.Went to look for shoes after that.I need to get a pair of Dunks or Converse badly.Cos mine are so worn-out.
We sat around Wheelock enjoying Haato and playing the 'guess the songs title' game.Well,2 hours managed to slip by so easily.And we have our gifts exchange.Goodness,i really appreciate the presents you all got for me.
Evan:Thanks for the card and the personalised photo frame with those pictures.
NUB HEAD:Thanks for the box of tempting chocolates that causes the drooling effect.And thanks for always reminding me that i have cute fingers.Haha.
Bulb:Thanks for the mango exotic set of stuffs.They are real unique.
A big THANK YOU to you 3 for the wonderful day and for helping me create these beautiful memories.
Thanks so much,esp to her Mum for packing the food for us and heating up the sauce.Let me tell you,the turkey together with the sauce is simply delicious and finger-licking good.Those 2 carnivores,though one said is tired of meat,devoured the turkey down.YUMMY is the word to describe it.
After the yummy food treat,we went walking around TP central and met my NP senior,SHU HUI.But i could not recognise her lah,only she recognised me cos she asked if i'm my SISTER's sister.
We sat at the stairs of tp interchange and chatted almost about everything under the cloudy sky.Well,had a very fun time there.It made me feel like school's over and we're having a very relaxing holiday.This session has surely brought back much memories.
Psst:I want a pair of shoes badly.Saw real nice Converse and Dunks.

Oh ya.Went to patronise HAATO today.It's a rather fantastic shop with those ice-cream.I had Lemon sorbet and Chocolate ice-cream for dinner.It's thanks to Fen that we get to eat such good ice-cream.
Fen,i will go and visit you and entertain you when i can.Dun worry,i will be there since you want me to be there.Haha.
We went to eat Fish&Co. and once again i ate the Best Fish and Chips in Town accompanied by a giant jug of Mermaid Freeze.The Mermaid Freeze was okay except that it's a little too sweet.
Well,after that we exchanged our presents and i am very glad with the present i received.Very nice and useful.

Li Jing (LJS)
Huishan (Skinny Girl)
Xue Fen (Smart Woman)
Shi Wee (WEE)
Will post more pictures after i upload them!
Well,had some sort of party at my house.But i felt so terrible,was like confined to one place of my house only and that's my bed.Cos there are not enough places for me to sit at,and my bed is my only place.My computer and TVs were also hogged,what's left was only my beloved and trusty HANDPHONE!
The phone saved me from boredom.And thanks NUB HEAD for the very friendly entertainment.Haha.
Merry Christmas to all my friends.Indulge yourself in this very lovely and warm season.The season of joy and love is once again here and let all feelings of hatred be gone and once again love those around you again!Have lots of fun before we all welcome the new school term.
People whom i have offended throughout this year,i seek your forgiveness and may we start things anew.
Mum,you have always been nagging at me.But i shall try to tolerate more in future.But please,stop nagging at me if possible.I'm trying to strike out that wish from my wishlist.
With lots of love,
After the movie,went to Church of Singapore (Balestier) together with Bulb and NUB HEAD.Well,i told them to have confidence in me and that i will lead them there.But as usual,i failed to do that lah.We overshot and it happened because i din believe NUB HEAD.
Psst: Sorry,Hang Wei and Daniel.I'm sorry to make you all walk the extra miles and also for not trusting you people!
The celebration was rather fun with all the songs and performance.Loom around the place before we left.We took bus to TP interchange and the 2 guys are very kind.Bulb and NUB HEAD waited for my bus with me before leaving.
Psst:Thank you so much.You 2 are so kind and gentlemanly.Hope you did not miss your train!
Well,these 2 guys are like real tired.So rest well and sleep early!
23rd Dec is indeed a nice day and i am happy that i celebrated my first ever Christmas with my FANTASTIC YJ friends.Love you people and have fun!
NUB HEAD,I have admitted my stupidity as you suggested.I'm so sorry!
The CTG class list for 2007 is out.Din really bother to look through lah.Cos the list is out means the school is coming soon,and worst of all,I am not at all prepared.All the block tests on the first week of school and the deadline for assignments!This is total madness.
Okay.Something that is happier,Caroline is back.She will be here for a long time and sure hope we have a fun time catching up.
Psst:103 and P03,tell me a date for you to meet her.I need to arrange!
It's fun chatting with you 2.The 2 of you bickering and all the blurness in you people.BIG SOTONGS!
LJ and SKINNY GIRL: I love you 2 so much.BIG KISSES for you 2 dearest.MUACKs!
MEINU and SMART WOMAN: I din miss you 2 out also.Been a long time since i seen you 2.I miss you and i love you 2!MUACKs!
P.S:SKINNY GIRL,i don't want Bling Bling kiss.Later i got allergy again.Don't forget i allergic to lip gloss!Haha.
Had a okay time eating and walking around Paragon.But the dinner amounts up to be rather expensive lah.But my sister is the one footing the bill.
Well,will be going to Evan's church tmr for her performance.
Well,i woke up earlier than usual and be a dear to help my mum roll the rice balls together with my sister.Been touching a lot of dough and flour these few days.The rice balls come out in pink and white and they do taste very soft and bouncy after the 'bath' in water.
Now,i am blogging away to reward myself for finishing 3 questions of DE.Honestly,i have long forgotten everything and seriously,i have no mood to really think of possible methods to solve the questions.Just hope all those questions just require us to draw graphs with the GC.
Meeting Grandma,my family and 2 little cousins for dinner tonight.Guess it will be a fun night out,minus away all the nagging from my mum.My sister and me made a joke about her last night,saying that she will only be quiet at one time only-SLEEPING!
Psst:Christmas is coming in 3 days time!
Hmmm.I baked 3 different things today,first was a Christmas tree biscuit,then the cookie tarts and lastly a cake.Well,the cake was a partial flop,so i think i should try baking another cake when i am free.
It's my first attempt with the Christmas trees and it was rather okay.At least it taste yummy with the white chocolate coating.
The Christmas Tree


One of my 'MASTERPIECE'.Is it appealing at all?
Well,the AFTER is not yet the final product.The final product is something topped with white chocolate coating and colourful beads.My friends,you'll get to try them when i pass them to you!
Besides baking,i finally managed to wrap all the Christmas presents today,and afterall,i am very proud of myself to wrap them up so nicely.(I feel that they are nice,cos i really suck at gift-wrapping)
To Friends,it's been raining the past few days,hope all of you are feeling fine and your mood are not like that of the weather.Take care and cheerios for Christmas!
To MEINUs,we're meeting up on Christmas Day.Looking forward to a truck load full of fun with you girls.Let us camwhore on that day and i am so excited to see you!
P.S:NUB HEAD!How are you?I miss you and your entertainment.Hope you are still fine and your fun are not affected by the RAIN!
P.S:Evan,MOONMILK is JIABAO's cousin.They taste almost the same.And i truly miss China!May your performance on Sat be a successful one,and don't worry,i'll be cheering you on!Miss you,SISTER!
P.S:AHW,please settle the issue soon.It is better to settle them asap to avoid more misunderstandings and before i get sinner.(Is there such a word?)I miss your jokes.
She likes to nag at every little things even if they are like none of my business.I was so fed up that i argued with her over some little incident.I mean is like,that was not my fault at all,and i'm not the only one who felt that she should not have done what she had done.And she blames that i am not siding her.It's a bit of madness over here.
This is one major reason why i hate staying home during the holidays,cos i get all this crap from my mum and can never have a peaceful day at home.
Enough of all those whining,i baked some cookies tarts today.They have jam in between and my sister says it tasted nice.Evan,i'll pass you yours on SAT!
Did some little assignments today,managed to attempt one question of MATHS.Okay,let me just say i am a person who needs food to study and do my assignments.That is what keeps me going and give me the energy to concentrate and study.I mean it.What is never missing from my table is at least a pack of snack,cos even if i dun eat it,seeing it will somehow motivate me to finish my unfinished stuffs.

Have a peek at my study desk.
Well,if you manage to read this post,i plead with you to go and clarify things with him.I am really regretful that i am one of the reasons that cause you to fall out with him and cause the awkwardness among you 2 now.
I am really thankful with the help you have given me and all the suggestions and stuffs.The help you have given me have indeed helped me to get out of the sticky situation.Thanks a million!
If you need help in mending that broken hole in your friendship,i'll be more than willing to help.I am so SORRY!
Thank you so much for all the help and indelible memories you have given.
P.S:AHW,tag me after you read this post!
Was home from morning till evening,practically watching shows on Youtube and surfing the Internet.I like this kind of life,so relaxing and indeed,i have forgotten all about the stack on assignments on my table!
Around evening,i went to take a bus from AMK to Bedok to have dinner with Grandpa,it took me almost 1.5 hours!Goodness,i was so bored on the bus and fell asleep so many times.Luckily,my mp3 kept me company and indeed,my neck ached again bcos i leaned too much to one side.
Met my parents,Grandpa and my elder sister at around the Interchange and had dinner.At the same place,i saw Elgiva!That woman is so MEAN to me.Haha.But at least she bother to make a confession to me in the end.(If you are reading this,don't worry,i din take that prank that seriously)
Okay,i received another card today.It is from MS ELGIVA!I like the card very much,probably cos of the content?Thank you so much!

My FIRST X'mas card.(From ADDY!)
X'mas card from BRA!
I love the cards.Thank you to the 2 dearest!
NAME tagss
FOODIE from Quan Cheng Guang Chang
THE cute boy.(RED cheeks)
Da Ming Hu
Throughout the day,we had to remind each other our purpose was to shop for others,so we had to refrain from looking at things that we like.
Saw some shoes that i want to buy,and also saw a pair of MUEES for the NEW YEAR,probably getting it with the sponsorship of my SISTER.
I din noe that Giordano sells Converse-like shoes and they are cheaper by 30 bucks.So i told Evan if i cant persuade my mum to sponsor my NIKE DUNKS,i shall get one pair from there.
Just had a quarrel with my sister over a stupid thumb-drive.It sucks lah.But i am super pissed off when my mum makes comments over our quarrel.
All in all,i had a very fun day shopping!
P.S:Addy,if you can hear me on the other side of the world,i want to say a big THANK YOU to you.I received your wonderful and very colourful card today.It looks so nice and it really brightened up my day!Love you lots,SUCKER!
Okay.Meeting Evan today to get Christmas gifts and also to do some serious shopping for our sneakers!
Shall go get ready and shan't be late for today's date with SISTER!
I managed to conquer the RJ Maths paper today.Needless to say,there's a lot of blanks there.I don't really have the mood to do,and also i have forgotten almost everything!
One paper for Maths is down,there's still another to go.Besides,i still have a pile of Econs and Physics to chiong for.This week will be tough for me;finding back the momentum to mug and do assignments.
Okay.I shall go and stare into blank space and dream before the day ends.

Here's a pic of a successful JUMP JUMP picture:
Okay,i shall make it a point to go there next week even if it means alone.Otherwise,i wouldn't have the time to go there when the school starts a new term.
A very boring sunday it was,nothing much.But i did get some entertainment from Bulb.
Evan,remember to enjoy the recording,and we are all really fine with the change of date.We are all so free.
P.S:NUB HEAD,do take care when you're away!Have fun with all those high elements and activities,but safety is still the most important!
Bon Voyage my dear SUCKER,and also MISS ME!It'll be a long time before you return,do take care of yourself.
P.S:It's only a morning and i'm missing you,MS Addy! :)
On a happier note,went town again with Evan.Was supposed to get shoes lah,but we were both so sian when we saw the crowd,and decided to have dinner at Fish&Co at 4pm.(so early)
We overestimated ourselves and ordered Fish N Chips sets,and Calamari Rings.Yummy.But we were in

Each of us ordered a Best Fish N Chips in Town!
Evan and Me at Fish&Co.
Our table of FOOD!
We visited NUB HEAD at the BBHQ and was sitting at the food centre nearby slacking and perspiring away.We were practically playing whatever childish game we could come up with.At around 8.30 we walked to Great World and had our all-time favourite: Ben and Jerry's.
Our Favourites.
I have a sinful day with all those sweet and oily stuffs.But yup,it's been a fun day and i've got no mood for school anymore.Can school don't start at all?
Met Evan and 4 of us had dinner together.A dinner where we joked like we used to.Dinner was long cos we talked and played around.After dinner,we were thinking hard of where to go.So we decided to hit town at around 7 plus. Reached town at around 8,and it was pretty flooded with people.
We went to a shop at TAKA,and played for like around 2 hours,trying to 'detangle' something.Well,we had a lot of fun there playing all those toys and games.And after 2 hours of effort,we were still unable to remove the 2 rings.But we were so determined to try lah.At least we tried till the shop assistant told us to leave.
Took the MUSIC BUS today.Waited for a long time,but i think it is worth it,because the seats are so comfy and the songs are so nice!Shall go again another time with Evan,but never going to go on Fri and weekends.Took some pictures on the bus and NUB HEAD sent me some pics he took the previous night.The bus is nice,and the ride is fun and comfortable!

Thank you friends for the wonderful and enjoyable day!
But to the great one who just left us,may you rest in peace and we will pray for you.
P.S:Thank you GREAT one for the joy you have brought to me,and for being a wonderful friend.
Well,i have just written 10 over Christmas cards,each and everyone is written with my innermost feelings and they are all unique(i believe to be so).Gonna send them tmr and make sure the cards reach the respective owners before my dear Christmas arrives.
Nub Head just told me about a wonderful car ride in Orchard.I am so tempted by all the wonderful features;the leather seats,the MTV you get to see,the songs you get to hear and all the beautiful night scenery of Orchard.
I shall attack the bus one night this week to get the feel of it.I am going to RAPE all the Christmas lightings with my camera.
*Today had my official last tennis training for the holidays!Girls,it has been a nice week for us and so fun with all the smashing and tracing.
To Partner:We're getting back in shape and doing fine!
First present in the morning is from MR NUB HEAD!Haha.He gave me a Ginger Breadman and it looks super cute.I dun bear to eat it cos i dunnoe where to start and second,it is really so adorable and i feel like framing it up!Thank you!
After training,Sarah gave me a pink heart.It's made with straws,and i mean drinking straws.Thank you.Dun worry,it is kept nicely and safe in my wallet!
P.S: Sarah,BON VOYAGE to you and hope you have a great time in Thailand!
And i got a good news to share.NUB HEAD's back in Singapore.Yay!There's people to entertain me now!Goodie,i'm so happy.Haha.Just waiting for Evan to be back to go shopping with me.And if i'm not wrong,she'll be back tmr!
I'm a happy,blessed girl!
Well,the day has been as boring as the other few days.Boring!
There's basically nothing for me to blog about.So tata,think i'll be getting my afternoon nap,physically drained!
My partner,Winnie was absent and WQ's partner was sick.So me and WQ paired up and played we seniors,and we lost hands down.But the points weren't that bad.(we still have some hope!)
The sun is still as scorching as ever,and my face turned red and my arms are tanner now.Soon,i'll just become a burnt cake.
After training,went Chong Pang to develop some pictures to be sent over to my China buddy.But i was a little carried away,and developed more than i intended to.Some of the pictures are so nice that i want to keep them with me and put them in photo frames.
Counting down to FRIDAY to have BBQ seafood! (YUMMY food)
Christmas is coming,but i have yet to get the gifts!Evan,i'm waiting for you to return to attack the shopping malls!
So i diverted my attention to computer,and started doing the CDs-stuffs for Evan and getting the pictures from the China trip arranged.And also,here i am,blogging about my day.
Well,Evan went off in the afternoon for her camp,and there's no way i can contact her with HP cos her phone is being confiscated!NUB HEAD left this morning,and no way will i sms him,cos it's too expensive!
My bill came,and it shot above 150 bucks,the main contributor is the overseas calls which mounts up to like 150 plus.It's too expensive,but i've got no choice,take it as a lesson learnt.(call lesser when you're away)
EVAN and NUB HEAD,you are being missed by ME!Take care please!
Well,the 2 rich girls bought shoes and shirts.Both of them have those attention-catching shoes,and Mum tot it was for Chinese New Year which is like a few months away?They were like,no,it is not for that event.
As we shopped,we were also thinking of our Chinese New Year clothes,the budget,what to wear and stuffs.It's a little early lah,but it's better to think ahead otherwise we'll be buying the clothes sloppily.
Chatted with NUB HEAD when i came home.And he's leaving tmr.SAD.One less person to chat with me and entertain me.Evan's leaving for her camp tmr too!And that is 2 people less to chat with me!
Two of you better come back in one piece and ENJOY yourselves there.Tell me all about your experiences when you're back!
Take care and do miss me!
The bully and bullied

Some nice pictures from CHINA:
My CHINA buddy (Zhang Chao)

Evan and ME