sentimental is the word
Friday, March 23, 2007 at 11:10 PM
Been going through alot these few days and i have really really seen what life is mostly about and what human beings are mainly made of.
Human beings are not only made of flesh,blood and veins.But human beings are also made up of feelings,emotions,ideas.These feelings,emotions and ideas are so ever-changing that they are so hard to predict and so hard for anyone of us to understand.The crafty people,the heartless creatures,the hypocrites,the empathetic ones,the lovely ones,etc.The world is just filled with all kinds of people,any one kind is available.U name it,they have it.
Well,the society is too complicated for innocent young souls to handle,it just needs too much of guessing,all those crafty and wittyness one needs to deal with the evil ideas of others.It is just too much for any fragile soul to take and in fact it is never tolerable that human beings are in fact,harming each other.They are killing one another with their words,their cold-bloodedness,and their inconsiderate actions.
As much as human beings are concerned,there are many people we meet in life.And how many of them can we really remember their looks and their smiles clearly?It is not that we do not know them well,it is just that we had never really pay enough attention to how they look.It is us not treasuring them,and us,not understanding that basic respect to a person is to pay attention to what he has to say.
Life is as much as hide-and-seek.It is all about finding the little treasures in life-your friends,your family,love,warmth and hope.Finding all them ends the game.Sometimes,even at the end of your life,you might not be the winner,because you have failed to observe them and to treasure them to ensure that they do not go missing.
There's this very nice line from Corner with Love,it says:
If you are really friend with a person,no matter where you go,you will remember how he looks like.Because he lives in your heart.
Looking back in life,i realised that 203 have really bonded.It is all the little actions and things we do that we are closer with one another.It is because of all these that we are now more like family and we are close.China is the place that kept us close,let us see each other's needs and we learnt to care,we learnt to love and we really learnt to understand.
The little happenings in China made the cold weather so warm in my hearts.Looking at all the pictures we took there and then,all the little pieces of memory starts coming back to me.Fixing them all together just give me a word-HAPPINESS.They bring smiles onto my face,they bring joy into my life,they bring me light and i am very glad to have such a happy past for me to look back and for me to see how wonderful my life has been.
There is never disadvantages with having bonded class.Because it is only with a bonded group of people that we can come together to accomplish things with greater morale,with greater determination,and a stronger belief.I really love my classmates and all those friends i have made in my life.It is because of you people that my life is much more colourful than before,and it is because of your presence that i learnt what sacrificing and giving is all about.
Human beings are not only made of flesh,blood and veins.But human beings are also made up of feelings,emotions,ideas.These feelings,emotions and ideas are so ever-changing that they are so hard to predict and so hard for anyone of us to understand.The crafty people,the heartless creatures,the hypocrites,the empathetic ones,the lovely ones,etc.The world is just filled with all kinds of people,any one kind is available.U name it,they have it.
Well,the society is too complicated for innocent young souls to handle,it just needs too much of guessing,all those crafty and wittyness one needs to deal with the evil ideas of others.It is just too much for any fragile soul to take and in fact it is never tolerable that human beings are in fact,harming each other.They are killing one another with their words,their cold-bloodedness,and their inconsiderate actions.
As much as human beings are concerned,there are many people we meet in life.And how many of them can we really remember their looks and their smiles clearly?It is not that we do not know them well,it is just that we had never really pay enough attention to how they look.It is us not treasuring them,and us,not understanding that basic respect to a person is to pay attention to what he has to say.
Life is as much as hide-and-seek.It is all about finding the little treasures in life-your friends,your family,love,warmth and hope.Finding all them ends the game.Sometimes,even at the end of your life,you might not be the winner,because you have failed to observe them and to treasure them to ensure that they do not go missing.
There's this very nice line from Corner with Love,it says:
If you are really friend with a person,no matter where you go,you will remember how he looks like.Because he lives in your heart.
Looking back in life,i realised that 203 have really bonded.It is all the little actions and things we do that we are closer with one another.It is because of all these that we are now more like family and we are close.China is the place that kept us close,let us see each other's needs and we learnt to care,we learnt to love and we really learnt to understand.
The little happenings in China made the cold weather so warm in my hearts.Looking at all the pictures we took there and then,all the little pieces of memory starts coming back to me.Fixing them all together just give me a word-HAPPINESS.They bring smiles onto my face,they bring joy into my life,they bring me light and i am very glad to have such a happy past for me to look back and for me to see how wonderful my life has been.
There is never disadvantages with having bonded class.Because it is only with a bonded group of people that we can come together to accomplish things with greater morale,with greater determination,and a stronger belief.I really love my classmates and all those friends i have made in my life.It is because of you people that my life is much more colourful than before,and it is because of your presence that i learnt what sacrificing and giving is all about.


Because,seeing your friends smile is the greatest prize one can ask for.All i need is a smile from you all and also your laughters when i say some real stupid joke.It is all that i need to see your affirmation that you really believe in me and really treat me like a friend.I will remember how everyone of you look like,because you all live in my heart,because you are really my friends.

No matter how dark the path ahead seems to be,without taking a brave step forward,you can never see the light that is hidden behind.It is because of the one moment of courage that we are able to accomplish the many big things in life.
Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 9:37 PM
Goodness gracious ME!
I'm so in love with Corner with Love.It's cute,so sweet and comical!
twinkle twinkle
it's been a long long time since i did some serious blogging.
been so busy with the darn block test.
well,now it's over and i'm so demoralised.
the papers ain't good.
Finally ended by block test like today?Haha.Well,it ended badly with the Maths paper,i was totally pissed off by the paper cos the questions are like so tough.I'm no HCI student nor am i a genius lor.Afterall,perhaps Econs could be my best subject this time round,it's the easiest. =D
It's a relief that the block test period is gone!Everyone is so happy and relaxed 12 of 203 people went for lunch together,and yup,it's like the first outing with so many people after school.
before this week,i was having holidays and many many stuffs happened.The good,the bad and the funny one.
the one good thing about holidays is that i get to meet up with MEINUs!Yup!We went to celebrate SKINNY WOMAN's birthday by surprising her with a cake at her house.I guessed she was really surprised.It's my witty idea,okay?it went on quite smoothly and i think i can be a good wedding or surprise planner in future.Any lobangs?
5 of us went to M.S to eat steamboat.BIG BIG Thanks to the 2 TPY girls for slaugtering the crabs.Thanks for doing that at the expense of your image.Haha. =D
*MEINUs:Remember our cycling DATE soon!
human lives are the most fragile and unpredictable,isn't it?People can fall ill at any time,and can just pass on like the next second.The most scary part of human life is you will never know which loved one you are going to lose next.The only way to live with no regret is to treat everyday as the last day of your life,only then,you will treasure and you will understanding the authentic meaning of love.
okay.Sounded like so emo?Just trying to be philosophical and compound a tinge of sophisticated-ness.
Special thanks:
MEINUs:Thanks for giving me a fantastic Wednesday night.I love you,girls.Share more with me.
Daniel:Thanks for listening and yup,there's no such thing as bad's pure clumsiness and stupidity.Thanks for bringing back those cds too!
Study please
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 8:57 AM
I need to MUG!MUG smart and MUG hard.
Some pictures taken over the weeks which i hadn't had the time to upload them.
The KNIGHTs of the round table
"There always 2 sides to the coin.But if you never have the courage to go and flip the coin,you will never get to see the other side."
Monday, March 12, 2007 at 6:18 PM

Chun Howe
Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 10:17 AM
It's been weeks since i last blogged and i am totally tied down with school stuffs and of cos some personal enjoyment.School had been fine in terms of non-academic aspect,but when studies are concerned,it really makes me puke.Can you believe it?I only scored 3 for my ORGANIC CHEM TEST which is worth 45 marks!?!?!Argh,i dislike ORGANIC now,IT SUCKS!!
Well,there's always 2 sides to a coin.Something that's worth rejoicing over!I've got back my A levels Chinese results and i managed to ACE it together with SUCKER!
Went to DONUT FACTORY@ Raffles City.If you're not prepared to queue,then forget about eating them.The queueing up process can take you like hours (no exaggeration here!) before you get to order.But the little rings rings are really alluring and YUMMY!
II've got tonnes of stuffs i want to get,and tons of things to do!
Craving for:
1. Authentic Mickey Mouse watxh
2. MY long-awaited SONY DSC T10
3. A new water bottle (design uncertain)
4. Havaianas Flops
Get things Right:
1. Mug for Organic Chem
2. Mug for BLOCK TEST
3. meet up with MEINUs
4. remember everything i've said and done
Well,went Fish&Co @ Airport last night to eat with Evan.Yummy food and great ambience.Haha.We were totally letting our hair down and enjoying ourselves.I would really like to fly like as and as when i feel like.Hmmm.All those Singapore Girls were pretty and elegant.pretty pretty.
march hols are here but not for us to play,it's a mugging time for the Block test.I would really wish to score well for my A's but i guess i need to push myself more and work harder.
To all out there,let's all work hard together to realise our dreams.
Smile Smile.