Friday, December 21, 2007 at 12:21 PM

This picture is so colourful.Doesn't it brighten up your day by merely looking at the colourful background and outfit?
Note to Michelle:You can start saving up every penny to get that cd. :))
Updates for people who care:
I'm going to start work soon but i'll still try to keep in touch with everyone as hard as possible.
When can all 5 of us be present together for a get-together and our breakfast at Braddell?Anyway,Expert X suggested a BBQ at someone's void deck one day.(Apparently that someone is ME)
31st Dec is out cos Shan gonna start school on that day!
What I really WANT?
Wednesday, December 05, 2007 at 11:36 PM
In life,we go after every gust of wind,every trail of excitement and every tinge of hope.Sometimes i would just lie around in a corner of any place and think of what i really want and wish for at that point of time.Today as i sit at the rear of the car,i was thinking about my life-to-be in 5 years time.Would i be a small fry in a multi-national company,a dee-jay in Singapore's most popular mandarin radio station,a hotel manager,or even a boss of my own cafeteria?Even till today,i'm still unsure of what my real goals are in life.
Sometimes,i just wish life could be so simple...
Taking a sip of coffee in my own house during a rainy afternoon.I would be sitting in the living room and looking out at the raindrops pelt against the window sills.
I wouldn't mind taking my umbrella and taking a stroll under the rain.Plucked in my ears are sentimental songs coming from Jay Chou,Westlife,and SHE.Under the rain and breeze,i would be walking alone on a long stretch of street without being disturbed.I would enjoy the gusto coming from the wind and looking at the events happening around.Being there but not part of it,being there but not feeling the pain of participating.It's such a nice feeling to be just a onlooker.
Noise.Party.These are something that i do not seek for in life now.I just wish for some tranquility.That little amount of silence.That makes a great difference to my life now.
I'm thinking of a way to lead my adult life in future.But as to whether it'll happen,that requires a great amount of planning and courage.The first step has to be taken,and i'm sure i would need a strong hand to give me a push.
"What you see as empty is not really empty.What you feel as empty is really empty."
-It means that seeing with your eyes does not mean anything.But feeling with your heart leads you to the truth.